Indoor Air Quality Tool
Large buildings are occupied by workers as well as visitors. A visitor could be from other businesses or could be a customer seeking service or products. Examples of such buildings could be a bank, Entertainment centres, Government administration buildings, Large business enterprises, Hospitals, University classrooms, schools or other educational facilities etc.
The employees housed in these building produce value for the organisation which pays the salary for the employees and incur cost of operating the building in terms of energy, utility, safety, Cleaning services, compliance requirements etc.
It is therefore imperative that all the costs must be optimised for improved productivity. Typically the biggest cost is the salary expense of the employees or the occupants of the building. It is well known that the productivity of a building occupant is highly influenced by his/her perception of the Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ). IEQ is in turn related to the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ).
The IAQ tool that has been developed measures building occupants’ perception of the IEQ from a set of questions that can be accessed using a QR code. The tool also deploys a set of sensors in the building to independently monitor IAQ in the building.
The tool uses these two unrelated datasets and relates occupants’ perception with the measured physical parameters. Using a proprietary algorithm occupants’ perception of the IEQ can be related to the measured physical parameters of IAQ. The conclusions are presented in a dashboard.
The information in the dashboard can be used to optimise operating parameters of the physical plant of the building to attempt an improvement of the occupants’ perception of the IEQ which in turn would improved the productivity in the building
Sensor Data
The Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) parameters are measured and uploaded by WiFi enabled servers placed in the building. Each server can have unlimited number of sensors. However, usually a set of 6 – 10 sensors is sufficient Typically 1 set of sensors is used for every 40 meter square of space. Typical office allows 10 meter square per occupant. Therefore for an enclosure housing 100 occupants, 25 sets of sensors or 25 servers will be required to assess the IAQ of the entire space. In a mechanically ventilated building using centralised HVAC systems can cause variations in the vertical direction. For example, a 2 degrees vertical gradient in temperature can impact occupant perception of IAQ negatively which in turn will impact productivity of the occupant. Sensor data can be recorded every 5 minutes to 2 hour intervals or more.
Data from a prototype set of servers are posted below in real time. There are three servers called stations and each has a maximum of three sensors. They are posting data approximately every 15 minutes.
Occupant Survey
An occupant survey has been designed to understand the perception of the people who occupy the building in course of their daily work routine. An occupant is defined as a person who spends more than two hours in the occupied space.
Please scan this QR code to access the occupant survey on your hand-held device.
Once the survey has been submitted, the time-stamped response shows up below instantly. Please note the survey will take some time. It is divided into sections. At the end of each section option is available to jump to submission if you are unable to complete the entire survey.
QR code for Occupant Survey
Measured temperature in centigrade over a period of a calendar date is presented above